What is WILL?
In term of language means ordering, advising, promising or giving after death in a document.
Why should we need WILL?
If we die without a letter of inheritance, then the heirs will have a lot of problems managing the estate.
Also, avoiding family conflicts rather than having the will of ther process distrubiting property is a bit tricky.
Is it true that no assets means we’re not required to prepare a WILL?
What is FARAID?
in terms of language it means PERMANENCE
According to the Terms, Faraid is the distribution of the estate after the death of an Islamic person who has been established under Islamic Law on such legally entitled heirs (Children, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, etc.)
The property distributed to the heirs is the remainder of the property left after deducting all the management of the corpse, the debts of the heirs of any form of religion (Zakat, Nazar etc.) or all the debts of the people and the fulfillment of the will of the Islamic State.
Law on Faraid: –
What is HIBAH?
In terms of language: – means GIFT.
In terms :- is a voluntary act of giving from one party to another voluntarily without recompense (iwad), hoping for the reward of the end and glorifying one using the words of devotion and qabul.
There are three types of HIBAH: –
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